Thursday, July 16, 2009

Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor today, just a routine check up. My son came with me because I thought my doc might want to meet him; turns out I was right. He was such a good boy for the whole appointment, saying "uh oh" and "ooh" every chance he got. It was adorable.

I talked to my doctor about the fatigue I've been having; he asked a few health questions, checked my test results from the blood test I had a couple weeks ago, then asked some lifestyle questions (i.e., sleep, eating, etc.). He concluded, after careful consideration, that I probably need more sleep. Yup, I'd agree. According to him, even a half an hour extra consistently every night could be all it takes for me to feel perkier. So we'll see.

All in all it was a good appointment; my blood tests were good, my weight was three pounds lower than before I got pregnant, my blood pressure was nice and low as usual, and I am officially 5' 4.5" tall. Awesome!

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