Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Perfect Storm: Day 1

For the first full day of The Perfect Storm, Little B and I headed off to the mall to walk around with our friends, The O'Neill ladies.

While we waited, I got a cute picture of the little man.

We did a couple laps, Baylor and I bought a Raffi CD while the gals played on the breakfast food play area, then we ate lunch. Afterwards, we went to JCPenny so Janice could try on a dress or two. Baylor was enamored of Anna the whole day.

Tickle time!

Jessica got done with her nursing session in record time when she heard how much fun the other kids were having.

Once we got home, the little man took a great nap. After his nap and dinner, he got to play around. While I was at my parents' house watering their plants, he decided to take on the couch.

Apparently, the endeavor was a success!

For some reason, he has really enjoyed putting a blanket over his head lately, making a sort of mini-tent for himself. Funny guy.

Whenever he sees the camera now, he likes to give a big cheesy grin. I just love it!

After a lot of play time, Big B and Little B sat quietly together on the couch and enjoyed a little snuggle/television time.

That soon ended, however, and the little man was off and running again!

After a while, he stopped to see what Mommy and Daddy were laughing so hard at. Yes, it's Wednesday, so we were watching Modern Family ... awesome!

After the show ended, we told Baylor it was time for his bath. He took it really well, dashing up the stairs and pausing for a sec to give me a smile.

Once we got into the bathroom, however, he was all business. He even gave me the stink-eye!

Ah, bath time! We leave the water running on low the whole time so he can play with the stream and fill his cups with fresh water. He usually gets pretty perplexed when the water doesn't run.

Although now he has developed a fascination with the little tornado that the drain makes when the water leaves.

The bigger the tornado, the closer he likes to get to it, inspecting every nuance. And tonight, when the water was all gone, he said, "Bye bye." Too cute!

The after-bath time used to be a struggle, but now he seems to enjoy it.

He has even taken to helping dry his hair and body off!

All in all, the first day of the Perfect Storm went well. Can't complain. How could I with an awesome son like this?

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