Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hair Cut Number Four: That's My Boy!

Lately, we've been noticing Baylor's hair looking a little long. It started hanging over his ears, and the other day during dinner he got it caught in the snap of his bib. It was time for another hair cut.

Because of hair cuts two and three, Oma and Grandma weren't willing to join us for the event this time. It was time, though, as I could see it start to creep towards his eyes even on Monday when we went to pick up my parents and sister from the airport.

So yesterday I bit the bullet, armed myself with distraction tools and bribery, and took him to Snip Its for his fourth hair cut all by myself.

After initially freaking out at the mere sight of the chair, I offered him an animal cracker if he sat in it, and he took the bait. I had my in! From there, we looked at pictures of him and Daddy playing with the Wii from the night before. Eventually, he remembered that they have a video you can watch there, so he asked to have that turned on. And I was able to snap a few pictures of my little man looking content ... since I was sure no one would believe me.

She even used the electric clippers on him, and he didn't freak out! I think it helped that she told him they buzz like a bee, and she tested them on her hand, then mine, then his before jumping in.

His hair cut came out great! So cute! He didn't thrash around, and I think that really helped her get it even. She even said he was the first customer of the day that didn't cry through the whole thing! That's my boy!

Ahhh, so much better!

The little prize he got after his hair cut actually had two stickers in it, so he got to wear one on his sweatshirt as we went to the grocery store! The other I'm saving for later when he actually appreciates stickers and doesn't just try to eat them.

I'm so happy to say, it was a very successful trip to Snip Its! Yay!

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