Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby Whisperer ... hmmm

Well, as my baby boy hasn't been taking very good naps lately (and still gets up once a night ... sometimes twice), I decided to search out some "professional" advice. A friend of my sister's (Hi, Jes!) suggested Tracy Hogg's The Baby Whisperer. As he only naps in half hour increments giving me very little time to read without distraction, I decided to shortcut through the book to the sleep section (since he's a good eater and all ... at 21 lbs. I'd say so anyways). I know, this is probably not the ideal way to follow someone's "teachings", but it's a big thick book and I don't have a ton of time.

So I'm reading the book and now have begun to wonder, "Am I an awful parent?" She has all these schedules mapped out, how feedings are at EXACTLY the same time every day, etc. She talks about how at four months the baby should be switched from a three-hour feeding schedule to a four-hour feeding schedule ... my baby is almost six months old and still eats about every three hours. Am I stunting him for life?! Agh!

I need honest answers, people ... am I doing this parenting thing all wrong? Is a more relaxed, slightly haphazard parenting style going to end up hurting my son in the long run? Should I be doing what feels right or should I be listening more to the "professionals"? (Our ped told us to put him in his crib for an hour twice a day ... what he does with that hour is up to him, even if he cries the entire time. Didn't even do it once.)

*On a semi-related note, my son just took an hour and a half nap because I let him babble himself back to sleep when he woke up at the 30 minute mark ... hmmm.*


Autumn said...

There is no wrong way to parent in my opinion. One must do what they feel is best for themselves and their child...and each child is different. What works for one will not for another. That being said...I followed the Baby Whisper's advice for my oldest and he was a dream baby. My middle child it did nothing to help. Those two kids are completely opposite when it comes to personalities so I'm not surprised.

Just go with the flow and follow your instinct!

Anonymous said...

Amen to Autumn. Tristan gave up naps when he was 16 months old. Some kids are up for 3 hours every night. If kids were meant to come with a hand book we would have one. :) Just enjoy it.

Andy, Ariella, Morgan and Gwen Saucier said...

I just found your blog. (through the Storked page) I just started reading it and have only looked at couple of your posts.... I have a 10 month old, so I am familiar with the sleeping issue. I was given a different sleeping book, but I guess they say all say the same thing. We went through a couple days where she cried and cried at each nap, but then one day she just stopped. But all kids are different. My ped said as long as they sleep ok at night, don't sweat the naps. Check out my blog if you want, it is pretty much all of my daughter. Our parents don't live near by.

Andy, Ariella, Morgan and Gwen Saucier said...