Friday, February 20, 2009

An Epiphany About Clutter

Last night I had an epiphany about clutter ...

Clutter is a magnet for more clutter.

Even just one little thing left in the wrong spot can attract tons of things that also don't belong there.

I know this seems simple, but in my twenty seven years of life this has apparently never dawned on me. I have been trying soooo hard to keep our house clean and stay on top of the clutter. I opened a new toy for my son yesterday, and left two twisty ties on the coffee table - if I had allowed them to stay there for an extended period of time, I know they would have grown into a pile of clutter. So I put them away.

It takes a lot of dedication and a decent amount of effort, but clutter has to be stopped in its tracks or it can take over your house. And in my personal experience, if it takes over your house it will take over your mind and spirit, too. Clutter can weigh you down, making you feel like you are drowning in stuff ... and that is no way to live.

Have a wonderful day! Battle on in the war on clutter!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Dude! I totally fell that - and if you saw my living room/kitchen table right now you would understand why. today after work I will be walking around with a trash bag cleaning up! It is SO bad!