Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Big No-No

I just committed a big no-no; I rocked my son to sleep after he awoke, unhappy and feeling unwell, from a too-short nap. After calming him down, reading him his usual pre-bed stories and the like, I just kept rocking; I don't know why. And soon he fell asleep in my arms. It's been a long time since he's done that, and I'll admit it felt good to know he was comforted and cozy up against me. I wanted to nap in the glider with him, all snuggled together, but holding him up was taking all of my concentration and sleep would never come for me at that rate. Since he so needed a nap (I believe he is getting a cold), I decided to put him back in his crib, hoping that I could keep him asleep for the transition.

I am now paying the price for my no-no. Listening to my beautiful boy howl over the monitor sucks. I want to scoop him back up and make him feel better. But I know if I'm there he won't nap.


Hearing him so upset is breaking my heart today. I know he doesn't feel well; his nose is stuffy, and he keeps swallowing mucus. He has no idea what is going on with his body and I feel for him, I do. But I know that sleep is the best thing for him right now. He needs it if he's going to feel better. And so I'm trying to do the best I can for him, trying to let him get himself back to sleep and get that rest his body so needs.

Still ... it sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellie broke my heart today too. I dropped her off with my brother to be babysat because I had to work. I thought I slipped away unnoticed but she ran to the back door and cried "Mom" in this sad little voice. It took everything I had to leave. It stayed with me all day.