Sunday, January 10, 2010

Water and an Apple

You'd think that being pregnant, taking care of a little life inside me, would be enough to get me to eat really healthfully. You'd think it'd be enough to shake me into breaking bad habits and steering clear of crap food. You'd be wrong.

What did it take? It took my OB threatening the removal of bread and pasta from my diet to wake me up. That's it. Take away those two things and I have nothing left to eat, all my favorites and lunchtime staples gone.

So, as I sit here eating an apple and drinking a tall glass of water, I am hoping that my good behavior as of the last few days will retroactively help out the results of the glucose tolerance test I took last Thursday. (I know it won't, don't worry.) I'm hoping that the good health gods will see the good health deeds I've done over the past few days (putting the rest of my Christmas candy in the freezer to be rationed out sparingly, eating apples and carrots as snacks, drinking only water and milk and a single glass of OJ in the morning) and smile on me.

It's not that Paco, my baby, is unimportant ... far from it, actually. It's just that I am human; I have vices just like everyone else and I like to indulge them - sometimes far too much. My vices are basic, widely available, and mainly fall under the heading "carbohydrates" - both simple and complex. That's it. Carbs. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or even drink caffeine; I gave that up in 2006 when we decided to start trying to get pregnant. And while carbs aren't inherently bad, in this case they may be packing unnecessary and unhealthy pounds onto both Paco and me, setting us up for a potentially risky end to this pregnancy. I'm hoping that won't be the case.

At any rate, I sit here, thankful for the apple orchard down the street and the Brita in the fridge. And I hope that I can continue to do better ... for me and the baby - and Baylor for that matter; he needs his mama to be healthy, too.


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