Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ravenous at 30 Weeks ...

I had another OB appointment on Friday, and I thought I'd give you guys the skinny on my stats. Here they are ... read 'em and weep.

Blood pressure: 96/? (I couldn't read the screen quickly enough)
Weight at last visit: 158 lbs.
Weight at current visit: 161 lbs.
Starting weight (approx.): 128 lbs.
Glucose Tolerance Results: PASSED!!

Apparently a bunch of my OB's patients failed their glucose tolerance test that day, so initially she thought I was in that group. But the freaked-out look on my face told her that she might be wrong, so she checked and I was well in the clear. Whew!

I only gained three pounds, so I got a metaphorical gold star for my efforts at eating better. Thank goodness too, because I have been absolutely ravenous lately and would have been totally bummed if I had deprived myself a little bit only to have gained a ton of weight.

When I say I have been ravenous lately, I mean it. I eat dinner, I'm still hungry. I have a snack, I could eat a meal. I feel like I could eat ALL DAY LONG. This is a little unusual for someone at this point in a pregnancy; usually the baby starts to take up more space and makes you feel fuller faster. However, for me, this wasn't the case when I was pregnant with Little B and it's not the case now.

I literally want to wear a sign around my neck that says "FEED ME!!!". I'd never take it off.

The last two days haven't been superb eating-wise, so I have to get back on the wagon, so to speak. More apples and carrots, fewer sweets. Last night in particular, I went to take off my compression socks (sexy, huh?) and I had the worst muffin top knees I have had in a while. I think my water weight gain is starting up, though hopefully it won't get as bad as last time (I'll try to find a picture of my feet from my last pregnancy to demonstrate). The compression socks help, if only so I can continue to see my ankles day in and day out. Sadly, the socks are open toe, so after having shifted throughout the day I end up with muffin tops for feet as well as knees. Stellar.

So that's where I am. Questions? Comments? Concerns? (Grandma and Aunt Marty, I know you're probably concerned about how much I'm eating, but trust me, I'd pass out if I didn't eat as much as I do.)

Have a wonderful day!


Amber said...

I know nothing about exercise during pregnancy, but if you started working out 30 mins a day (even just a long walk or something) could you eat a little more?

I just don't think being RAVENOUS sounds good for you or the baby! Haha, but as I said, I know NOTHING!

Nicole said...

Technically you're not supposed to begin an exercise regimine during pregnancy (though you can continue what you were doing before you got pregnant). Walking would be okay, though ... although I think it would make me hungrier! :o)

My OB told me to drink more water to help with the hunger. Yay.