Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Year of Gratitude: Day 76 (a day late)

I had this all written out in my head yesterday but didn't get a chance to post it here, so I'll be writing it as such.

Today I am grateful for getting a chance to help out my mom.  She let me shovel the snow on her front walkway, make dinner, and - begrudgingly on her part - retrieve the trash bin from the end of the driveway.  I am grateful for this because it was a way for me to give back to her; she, my dad, and my sister give so much to me and my little family here and, being the stubborn, do-it-myself kind of bunch we are, I don't often feel like I have the opportunity to help them out like this.

Was it all fun?  Nope.  Shoveling the snow meant I had to be outside in frigid weather, enduring the stench of a nearby house getting their septic system pumped, and the run to the end of the driveway to pick up the trash bin was a cold one, but it was worth it if it helped my mom.

Thanks for everything you do for us, Mom and Christine!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

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